
Starting with show rabbits we soon developed a need to recycle our rabbit dropings so we started a worm farm and use them in our carden and compost areas. Ocationally we sell worm castings but quite frankly we use most all of them ourselves. We raise chickens both for meat and eggs but are currently hatching babby chicks to raise as home layers. We have currently Rhode Island Reds, Red Stars, Cornish Rocks( for eating) , Americanas and soon our Barred Rocks and Cukoo Murans will be laying and they will be available. We sell baby chicks for $2.00 straight run, $2.50 sexed pullets and up to $15 for laying hens. Prices depend on the size relitive to laying eggs or size relitive to butcher age.

Winter Crops

Meats/Livestock: chicken, gamebird

Spring Crops

Meats/Livestock: chicken, gamebird

Summer Crops

Meats/Livestock: chicken, gamebird

Fall Crops

Meats/Livestock: chicken, gamebird

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