
Sunny Slope Greenhouses specializes in vine ripe, pesticide free tomatoes. Partners Jim LeTendre and Dave Denson have been at it for 25 years, since 1979. The greenhouses are well known throughout central NC for having some of the best tasting, highest quality tomatoes you can buy. The crop, over 2200 tomato plants, is planted in November and the first ripe tomatoes are picked around the middle of March. European-type cucumbers are ready around the first of April. Tomatoes and cucumbers are sold at the greenhouses but the majority of the crop is sold at local, producer-only farmers markets through the middle of July. Cultural practices, such as good sanitation, as well as environmental and biological controls are used to manage diseases and insects. No pesticides are ever used.

Spring Crops

cucumber, tomatoes,

Summer Crops

cucumber, tomatoes,

Fall Crops


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