Winter Crops
Meats/Livestock: beef, pork, rabbit
We raise natural grass fed beef cross cattle. Our farm consist of 125 acres which most is open with plenty of grass and 3 natural springs and 3 ponds. We also rent other pastures and currently have about 450 acres rented. Our calves are weined at 6 months of age and put on 1 of 3 different 42 acres fields of grass til 800 to 1100 lbs. These animals are tended to and handled daily.They are not stressed. The different brood cows we have are Santa Gert., Charolais, Brangus,Hereford and we run a Lemiflex bull. I am partners with Jim Toney on the cows and he also owns a meat processing plant which is where we sell our beef by the pound, side, or whole. You can come by the processing plant Monday thru Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We try our best to keep it in stock there for those that don't have the freezer space to buy a side or whole. We have a freezer out front where we keep the different cuts, and you can just go through and pick out what you like. A side or whole beef is $3.39 lb. hanging weight. You can purchase our beef at Capes Sausage Co. at 1275 Oak Hill Rd. Covington , Ga. 30016 770-786-6540 We also sell pork by the pound, side or whole. sides and whole pork is $1.99 lb. hanging weight. New Item- We now offer Rabbit, They are raised by myself (Dee), and are inspected , packaged and sold at Capes Sausage Co. They are $4.00 lb. They are packaged whole, but if you want some quartered up we can also do that. Average weight is 2 1/2 lbs.
Meats/Livestock: beef, pork, rabbit
Meats/Livestock: beef, pork, rabbit
Meats/Livestock: beef, pork, rabbit
Meats/Livestock: beef, pork, rabbit
Stockbridge, Georgia