
Jehovah Raah Farm raises fiber animals as Alpacas, Llamas, Angora Goats, Shetland Sheep, Scottish Highland Cattle, Angora Rabbits, Black Spanish Turkeys and Brown Egg laying chickens. Also on our farm are Sharplanenic and Caucasion Ovcharka Guardian Livestock dogs. Julie teaches Beginning Spinning, beginning knitting and weaving at the farm. Jehovah Raah Farm has been a distributor of Lendrum Spinning Wheels since 1995. By appointment, customers can visit our farm to take part in the animal experience while knowing where their fiber for their next spinning, knitting or craft project comes from.

Winter Crops

beef, turkey, eggs, honey, alpaca, angora rabbit, llama, mohair, wool, compost / manure, sheepskins,

Spring Crops

beef, eggs, honey, alpaca, angora rabbit, llama, mohair, wool, compost / manure, sheepskins,

Summer Crops

grapes, raspberries, beef, eggs, honey, alpaca, angora rabbit, llama, mohair, wool, compost / manure, sheepskins,

Fall Crops

grapes, raspberries, beef, turkey, eggs, honey, alpaca, angora rabbit, llama, mohair, wool, compost / manure, sheepskins,

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