Winter Crops
Vegetables: arugula, Meats/Livestock: beef, Flowers: dried flowers
Member of Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers locally growing Specialty Cut Flowers using herbs and vegetables as bouquet enhancers. Flowers sold by the stem or in bouquets for individuals, special events and weddings. Selling at the farm or at the Saturday Marietta Square Farmers Market May thru October and Cedartown (Fridays) Farmers Markets mid-June thru October. Also available by phone order 770-748-6424. Garden Phone is 404-401-8881. Specializing in Specialty Cut Flowers, old-time varieties and unusual new varieties. Organic, sustainable method of growing but not certified organic.
Vegetables: arugula, Meats/Livestock: beef, Flowers: dried flowers
Vegetables: arugula, asparagus, Meats/Livestock: beef, Herbs: fresh herbs, Flowers: dried flowers, edible flowers, fresh flowers, Sprouts: wheat grass
Vegetables: garlic, okra, spinach, sunchokes, sweet peppers, Meats/Livestock: beef, Herbs: fresh herbs, Flowers: dried flowers, edible flowers, fresh flowers, Grains: millet, Specialty Items: luffa
Vegetables: arugula, sunchokes, Meats/Livestock: beef, Herbs: dried herbs, fresh herbs, Flowers: dried flowers, edible flowers, fresh flowers
Cedartwon, Georgia