
We are a small, local farm producing eggs, chicken and lamb along with our heritage turkeys, pigs and ducks. All our animals are pasture raised or raised in woodlots. The chickens are duel purpose, our customers enjoy both eggs and meat. Our lambs and sheep are raised only on pasture grass, never locked inside. Thanksgiving turkeys are Black Spanish, they are listed on slow foods ark of taste as the best tasting turkeys, they roam through the pasture and woods to provide the best tasting thanksgiving dinner. Our Guinea Hogs are also listed on the slow foods ark of taste for best taste, they are free to roam throughout our woods collecting acorns and other nuts. Sunshine is always our first ingredient.

Winter Crops

chicken, duck, eggs,

Spring Crops

chicken, duck, eggs,

Summer Crops

chicken, duck, eggs,

Fall Crops

chicken, duck, turkey, eggs,

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