Specializes in organic poultry, eggs, and veggies
Welcome to Hawkins Homestead Farm. We are a small family owned and operated farm that specializes in fresh eggs, organic poultry, and organic seasonal produce. We had no idea that our search to feed own family in a healthy and sustainable manner would turn into helping feed others, but we’re sure glad it did!
Our belief is that it is so important that we know what we’re feeding ourselves and where our food comes from. If you can, please search out ones in your area and support those who are growing clean food.
We are committed to the health and safety of our animals so we never use antibiotics in our care of them. As proud members and certified by The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP), their quality of life is of utmost importance to us.
All produce and flowers grown on the farm are Certified Naturally Grown (CNG). This solidifies our commitment to growing clean food.
Our produce is grown from Non-GMO organic seed, along with Non-GMO organic started plants, and heirloom varieties. It is always fresh and chemical free.
We have a variety of heritage breed layers who spend their time free ranging. They love to find whatever goodness they can get their hands on and we let them. They’re out early in the day and locked up once they go in at night. We give them the best quality Non-GMO feed that we can find. This ensures they are getting the nutrients needed to continue laying.
Our meat birds are housed in a brooder while young. Once feathered out, we move them to fresh air and sunshine. This is where they spend the rest of their days. The birds are given the best diet consisting of a Non-GMO organic feed which is rationed each day in addition to what they can find on their own.
We also grow specifically for our chickens so all our birds receive treats in the form of organic herbs, fruits, and vegetables from our garden with some occasional black oiled sunflower seeds, which they love.
We try to find a use for almost everything here, so we compost our scraps and our chicken manure. Doing things this way has enabled us to re-purpose and grow some wonderful organics in the garden.
We take pride in what we do and are happy to say that what started out as food for our family has blossomed into food for yours