Winter Crops
Dairy/Eggs: eggs
At Hanging Mountain Farms we raise pastured chickens and eggs and specialize in the Delaware Breed , a heritage breed that is on the ALBC critical list. We recently started a project raising another endangered breed, Dexter cattle. In season, we also have spring summer and fall vegetables. Our main focus however will be egg production. Our hens are not confined in a cage or pen. They produce a fresh egg that tastes better than a store bought egg. We finally have our new crop of chickens in production. We have fresh eggs available now! Ted and Carlene Perry
Dairy/Eggs: eggs
Vegetables: broccoli, summer squash, tomatoes, Dairy/Eggs: eggs
Vegetables: okra, peas, summer squash, tomatoes, Dairy/Eggs: eggs
Vegetables: cabbage, okra, peas, radishes, salad greens, Dairy/Eggs: eggs
White, Georgia