Spring Crops
strawberries, fresh herbs, plants (bedding, etc),
We are 5th generation farmers. Produce has taken the place of tobacco on our farm. We carry seasonal produce, that is grown here on our farm. We do have greenhouse tomatoes in the spring. We also offer vegetable plants for sale. Starting in the spring of 2010, we have our "pick your own" strawberries. We will continue to have pre-picked berries also.
strawberries, fresh herbs, plants (bedding, etc),
broccoli, collards, sweet corn, cucumber, eggplant, green onions, onions, summer squash, sweet peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, cantaloupes, melons, pears, watermelons, honey, preserves, fresh herbs, corn, gourds, hay / straw, plants (bedding, etc),
pumpkins, pecans, walnuts,
Gibsonville, North Carolina