
Hello from Duncan Farms! We would like to introduce ourselves to you. Duncan Farms is a small 60 acre, permaculture-based, family farm in Gurley, just outside of Huntsville! We believe in and actively practice using no synthetic fertilizers, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides or anything that could be deemed harmful in the production of the food on our farm. Everything on the farm is part of a system, animals graze openly and mimic the wild as much as possible, cover crops are used to protect vital soil nutrition, and we nourish the ground in every way we can. The intent and purpose of the farm is to create a learning environment for those who visit, and create a quality product to supply our customers. Our main focus here at the farm is our CSA program, which stands for Community Supported Agriculture. This is when we come to your house and drop off food from our farm every two weeks straight to your door! This helps families eat seasonal and locally while providing our consumers with the ability to build a strong, equitable food system locally. We currently keep 80 Berkshire hogs, which is a rare breed of pigs that are a premium grade of pork and are seen as the kobe beef of pork. We have herds of Zebu cattle and Katahdin sheep. We also keep around 400 laying hens, raise approximately 100 meat chickens at a time, and occasionally have ducks and turkeys. We grow seasonal produce which includes vegetables, fruits & more.

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