
We are a family farm that produces chicken, pork, eggs, and honey. Our meat chickens are raised on pasture and moved to fresh grass daily. They are fed a feed suppliment of non-GMO feed. We process the chickens on the farm so we know everything that goes into them and how they are handled from day old chicks till they are packaged and put in the freezer. We have a farrow to finish pig operation. We breed and raise our own hogs. They spend their time in the woods from the day they are born and are rotated to different woodlot's as they grow. We have a heritage breed Large Black boar and mixed breed sows. They are also fed a feed suppliment of non-GMO feed. We offer feeder pigs to those interested in raising their own pigs. We have a large variety of laying chickens that provide very rich and tasty eggs. Our laying chickens are also raised in the pastured, rotated to fresh lots and fed non-GMO feed. My favorite is our local raw honey that we harvest from our bees and distribute to our customers and family.

Winter Crops

chicken, pork, eggs,

Spring Crops

chicken, pork, eggs, honey, fresh flowers,

Summer Crops

chicken, pork, eggs, honey, fresh flowers,

Fall Crops

chicken, pork, eggs,

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