
we have been raising heritage breed turkeys and chickens. from the fertile eggs to the already grown bird. after 15 years at same location we offer the locals all their poultry. from our incubators to our coops we offer you the finest of poultry. every two years we also make availabe 3 kracker foals.

Winter Crops

Meats/Livestock: chicken, duck, turkey, Dairy/Eggs: eggs, Herbs: fresh herbs

Spring Crops

Meats/Livestock: chicken, duck, turkey, Dairy/Eggs: eggs, Herbs: fresh herbs

Summer Crops

Meats/Livestock: chicken, duck, turkey, Dairy/Eggs: eggs, Herbs: fresh herbs

Fall Crops

Meats/Livestock: chicken, duck, turkey, Dairy/Eggs: eggs, Herbs: fresh herbs

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