Juneteenth and Farming – The importance of Juneteenth

The importance of Juneteenth, through Farming and Freedom

Written by Ajoa Brothers, Shady Grove Road Blueberry Patch

Juneteenth is an important holiday in the United States, celebrated on June 19th each year, also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, or Liberation Day. It commemorates the day in 1865 when Union General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas and announced the emancipation of all slaves in the state. This was two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued, by President Abraham Lincoln and the news had not yet reached Texas. Juneteenth is a day to celebrate freedom. 

Juneteenth is a reminder of the long and difficult struggle for freedom and equality faced by African Americans in the years following the Emancipation Proclamation until today. 

The farming industry has a special connection to Juneteenth. During the post-Civil War period, many former slaves chose to work in the farming industry, either as tenant farmers or as sharecroppers. This allowed them to build generational wealth and became a path to self-sufficiency. Today, African Americans still work in the farming industry, and Juneteenth is a day to celebrate their resilience and contributions to the agricultural community. 


What does freedom mean during Juneteenth?

Freedom is an important part of Juneteenth, as it symbolizes the end of bondage and the beginning of a new era of freedom for African Americans. Freedom is a state of having the power and ability to live life according to one’s own will and choices. Juneteenth celebrates the day that the enslaved African Americans in the United States finally received their freedom and the right to live life as they choose. It is a day of joy, celebration, and appreciation of the freedom that African Americans have been able to achieve through perseverance and resilience. Resilience is defined as “An ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change” and Perseverance is defined as “The continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.” 

The history of Juneteenth and Tuskegee, Alabama

In addition to its educational significance, Tuskegee is also an important site for African American history, including the celebration of Juneteenth. In 1872, the town, now city of Tuskegee gathered for the first Juneteenth celebration.


From farm to freedom in the United States

From farm to freedom in the United States is an incredible journey that many people have taken throughout history. It is a journey of courage, strength, and determination that has seen people overcome incredible odds to gain their freedom. From the enslaved African American men, women, and children who escaped their bondage and made their way north to freedom. The United States is a country of people who have strived to be free. Along the way, they have had to rely on their own resourcefulness and courage to succeed. Today, we can honor their legacy by continuing to strive for freedom and justice in our own lives. 


Come celebrate with us as a community during Juneteenth weekend, June 17th-18th, 2023.

We are so excited to invite you to join us in celebrating Juneteenth weekend, June 17-18, 2023! It’s a great opportunity to come together as a community and recognize the history and significance of this important day. From children’s activities, to camping, to nature walks in the forest, to cooking demonstrations to live music and entertainment. There will be plenty of activities to take part in. We look forward to having you join us at The Patch. 

This event is brought to you by Shady Grove Road Blueberry Patch, in Partnership with Way Out (501c3), and Sponsored by The Tuskegee Macon County Community Foundation, Inc., Tuskegee University Cooperative Extension and the Carver Integrative Sustainability Center, Johnny Seeds, Sow America, Alabama-Auburn Extension, ADH Marketing & Consulting GP, JA² Trucking & Logistics, Tuskegee Tours, and Tuskegee History Tours 

Price: 13+ $10, children 12 & under Free, Campers, $20 per site 

Website: http://www.wayoutdoors.org/blueberryfest

Facebook: facebook.com/shadygroveroadblueberrypatch

Ajoa Brothers, Farm Operations Manager, Shady Grove Road Blueberry Patch Address: 690 CR 81, Tuskegee AL, 36083


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