Winter Crops
Dairy/Eggs: eggs, Nuts/Seeds: pecans, Herbs: fresh herbs
Selling fresh eggs, all colors except white! We have Americaunas (Easter Eggers), a Rhode Island Red, Partridge Rocks and Welsummers running in our farm yard by day, but closed up at night to protect them from predators. In addition to the bugs and weeds and garden weeds they enjoy organic feed. You won't find fresher or tastier eggs - and the bright orange of the yolks will make you laugh at store bought eggs!
Dairy/Eggs: eggs, Nuts/Seeds: pecans, Herbs: fresh herbs
Fruits: blueberries, Dairy/Eggs: eggs, Herbs: fresh herbs
Fruits: blackberries, figs, Dairy/Eggs: eggs, Herbs: fresh herbs, Flowers: fresh flowers
Fruits: grapes, Dairy/Eggs: eggs, Nuts/Seeds: pecans, Herbs: fresh herbs
Newborn, Georgia