
TX Enterprises is a self sufficient Beef Cattle Operation. Our operation is mainly commercial cattle, but with a few Quality Registered Purebred Simmental and Red Angus. The majority of the commercial herd is operated under a two breed rotation of Simmental and Red Angus. However we do have a select group of F1 females that are bred to shorthorn for club calves. Our goal with our entire herd is to produce calm, flashy, productive cattle that will work for a variety of different options. Most of our replacement heifers are raised here on the farm and A.I. bred using any of the three breeds depending on the female. We are continually striving to improve our herd by selecting only quality cattle to stay in our herd.

Winter Crops

beef, eggs,

Spring Crops

beef, eggs,

Summer Crops

beef, eggs,

Fall Crops

beef, eggs,

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