
We grow Black Winter Truffles on the roots of hazelnut/filbert trees. These trees were grown from seedlings whose roots were inoculated with black winter truffle (tuber melanosporum) spores.
Our first orchard was planted in 2000 and the larger second orchard in 2004 and 2007. The total number of trees in both orchards is 400.
We offer farm tours on the first and last Saturdays May through October and sell value-added truffle products on site. Tour reservations must be made in advance and credit card payments to hold your spot are accepted by phone via Square. We do not offer tours during harvest season December through March.
You may schedule a presentation for your group for which there is a $75 fee plus expenses. Your group may request that truffle products be available for sale at the presentation.

Winter Crops

mushrooms, butter, honey,

Spring Crops

mushrooms, butter, honey,

Summer Crops

mushrooms, butter, honey,

Fall Crops

mushrooms, butter, honey,

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