
Here at Rae of Sun Quail, we strive to produce the largest and happiest Texas A&M quail around! We sell multiple products, whether it be live birds, eggs by the dozen, hatching eggs by the dozen, or de-boned and packaged birds (of any quantity under 15). Our birds are hatched here on the farm and are started/finished on an organic meat bird feed and watered daily. Quail here are kept in a fully enclosed barn with pine shavings under their feet, instead of harsh wire. Birds are capable of taking dust baths, flying, foraging, and exercising. Our farm is solely operated by the owner who lives on the property. When harvesting time comes our birds are treated with the most respect and effectiveness, which is very important to us here at Rae of Sun Quail. Birds are harvested, de-feathered, gutted, trimmed, packaged in vacuum sealed bags, and finally labeled with our product label. At this time, we do take private tours of the farm to be able to see where the meat/eggs is produced. On our farm, we also have a wide variety of farm animals and pets that would love to have some attention from kids while on your private tour!

Spring Crops

tomatoes, blackberries, cantaloupes, watermelons, gamebird,

Summer Crops

tomatoes, blackberries, cantaloupes, watermelons, gamebird,

Fall Crops


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