
One of our primary intentions with the Honeysuckle Tea House is to follow in the footsteps of Hippocrates as well as other traditions around the world, that food and medicine can be one in the same thing. Plants have a vast array of beneficial constituents and have evolved with us to help us reach and maintain healthy lives. This is why we focus on organically grown and freshly prepared food and herbs that we gladly offer to our community. We also believe that there is an art to food and healing, and are committed to crafting the highest quality herbal and food products while adding warmth, joy and love to all we do.

Winter Crops

garlic, bath / body, dried fruits, soap, sodas, syrup (non-maple), teas, dried herbs, fresh herbs, medicinal herbs,

Spring Crops

burdock, garlic, persimmons, strawberries, bath / body, dried fruits, soap, sodas, syrup (non-maple), teas, dried herbs, fresh herbs, medicinal herbs, edible flowers, fresh flowers, plants (bedding, etc), seeds,

Summer Crops

burdock, blackberries, blueberries, figs, grapes, passionfruit, persimmons, bath / body, dried fruits, soap, sodas, syrup (non-maple), teas, dried herbs, fresh herbs, ginger, medicinal herbs, edible flowers, fresh flowers, plants (bedding, etc), seeds,

Fall Crops

burdock, garlic, blackberries, blueberries, figs, grapes, passionfruit, bath / body, dried fruits, soap, sodas, syrup (non-maple), teas, dried herbs, fresh herbs, ginger, medicinal herbs, edible flowers, fresh flowers, plants (bedding, etc), seeds,

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