
Local farm on Thacker Dairy Road in Guilford County. Owned by a NC licensed soil scientist who has a strong knowledege of how soil management is important in healthy develpoment of all type of vegetables. Specializes in oragnic crops, pesticide free produce. Whatever is in season can be purchased from our farm. Visit us at Pleasant Garden Farmer Market's Town Hall.

Winter Crops

collards, lettuce, salad greens, turnips, winter-squash, eggs, honey, firewood, lumber,

Spring Crops

asparagus, broccoli, brussels sprouts, celery, sweet corn, cucumber, green beans, okra, potatoes, salad greens, summer squash, tomatoes, zucchini, cantaloupes, figs, melons, strawberries, watermelons, eggs, honey, firewood, lumber,

Summer Crops

asparagus, broccoli, brussels sprouts, celery, sweet corn, eggplant, green beans, hot peppers, okra, potatoes, radishes, salad greens, summer squash, tomatoes, zucchini, cantaloupes, figs, melons, watermelons, eggs, honey, firewood, lumber,

Fall Crops

carrots, collards, lettuce, salad greens, sweet potatoes, figs, eggs, honey, firewood, lumber,

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