Winter Crops
cabbage, collards, kale, kohlrabi, spinach, winter-squash, beef, chicken, pork, eggs, baked goods, preserves, teas, dried herbs, fresh herbs,
Greene Family Farm in Shelby offers woods-raised pork; pastured chicken and eggs; herbs, garlic and ginger; jams and jellies; baked goods, both gluten-free and gluten-full; and produce. Mobile A-frames shelter the pastured hens and meat birds. Oak and hickory trees shelter the pigs. Cover crops and earthworms build soil in the produce beds. Derek and Sherri Greene work with their five children to grow healthy food for your table. You will be able to taste the difference.
cabbage, collards, kale, kohlrabi, spinach, winter-squash, beef, chicken, pork, eggs, baked goods, preserves, teas, dried herbs, fresh herbs,
broccoli, carrots, garlic, green onions, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, radishes, salad greens, salad mix, spinach, beef, chicken, pork, eggs, baked goods, preserves, teas, dried herbs, fresh herbs,
cauliflower, cucumber, garlic, green beans, beef, chicken, pork, eggs, baked goods, preserves, teas, dried herbs, fresh herbs,
cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, lettuce, salad greens, salad mix, spinach, sweet potatoes, beef, chicken, pork, eggs, baked goods, preserves, teas, dried herbs, fresh herbs, ginger,
Shelby, North Carolina